...A colorful menu, spotted with photos, came up on the screen. Art clicked vigorously with the remote. "Now Frank, before I introduce you to my family let me give you a little overview."
..."Alright, say - how long do you think this is going to take?" Frank answered glancing at his watch. The time was 4:30 pm.
..."Oh this won't take long. Just let me get started!" Art assured him.
..."My family tree goes back five generations, pretty impressive for these days. My Dad Bill named me for my great-great-great-grandpa Arthur, only I'm just Art for short. There is a story which goes along with that - but we will get to it later."
...Frank listened intently, and only occasionally glanced at his wrist watch. It was only a quarter till five, besides, how long could one talk about deceased relatives anyways? Art was continuing, so Frank tried to give him his full attention.
..."My great Aunt BB is the oldest living relative I've got these days. Other than her there's Uncle Bob and Aunt Sal on my mothers side; and their awful daughter, my cousin, Kara. On my Dad's side I have uncle Joe and Aunt Ann, who are brother and sister you understand. Both of my parents died when I was ten, my Aunt BB sorta raised me"...
...Frank had not known Art was an orphan. He felt a sudden surge of pity "Gee Art, I'm so sorry, I mean, I can't imagine". The right words just wouldn't come. Art sat picking at a fraying seam in the arm of his chair. "Yeah well, things happen - they weren't much a part of my life anyways".
...There was a long moment of pause as Frank thought of his own amiable parents and Art contemplated whatever Art contemplated. "Whats so bad about your cousin Kara?" Frank asked, hoping to change the subject.
..."What a question!" Art cried, apparently relieved. "Oh Kara, she's a greenie if I ever saw one. (Greenie has replaced Blondie and tree hugger in one useful term) All she cares about is her plant "friends", her greenish hair, and her dogs manicures. I have never seen anyone so obsessed with global cooling. She wears parkas all the time; convinced that she might be caught in a blizzard some time stepping outdoors in Texas."
..."Wow, she lives in the country of Texas?" Frank commented, slightly envious of his friends out of country connections. "Yep, she lives in the United Country of Texas, and she can keep it!" Art laughed.
..."Well, where was I ? You should probably hear about each person in order, otherwise it could get confusing. I will start with my parents and work back, and out, until we get to great-great-great grandpa Arthur."
...Apparently Frank didn't have much of a say in the matter. Art did not wait for his opinion either, pulling up a picture of his mom and dad. Frank hoped this would not take too long as he leaned closer to view the screen. He found himself staring into the face of an older man, a face very unlike Arts...
I love it !!I just cant wait till you post more!!Some day you should publish these:)
Keep posting
Savannah L
Texas as a stand alone country, that would be nice. Again great job, keep it up, we all look forward to the next post.
Robert L.
LOL, LOL! (Laugh out loud, lots of love)
I'm glad "Ya'll" Liked the latest installment in Frank the blogeologist. I thought you Texans would get a kick out of the Texas thing :)....
Lauren Ashley
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