...The picture of Uncle Bob revealed an amply complacent man who peered at the world through tinted glasses, green by the looks of it. He had little of notice about his face other than his large nose, or else let us say, one noticed little about his face other than his large nose. The nose is what Frank first noticed, and he had a hard time seeing past it to the mans eyes.
..."Well, he certainly looks like a professor." Frank said wondering what Art expected him to say. After all, what was with this infernal trotting out of all Art's relatives supposed to produce in him? He resolved to make a few polite comments about each of them. No sidetracks, nothing superfluous. All the while he kept a close eye on the time, he was determined not to become too interested in anything Art said lest he miss his favorite TV shows that evening. It was imperative that this came to a close soon, otherwise they would be there all night!
..."Continue Art, its getting a little late" Frank urged his friend who had lapsed into a brown study.
..."Of course, of course" agreed Art going to the next picture. "This is Uncle Bob's lucky wife, my Aunt Sal. " (Obviously Art respected his uncle)

...Aunt Sal was apparently quite ecstatic about something, but Frank was hard pressed to discover what it was. " Why is her mouth open so wide? Did something just happen before the picture was taken?"
..."Yup, Uncle Bob and her had just connected psychically - or at least that's what they say " Art said wrinkling his nose a little " I never did put much store in those 'psychic' dating experiences, they seem a little far fetched to me. My Uncle Joe says the reason why he never got married is because his psychic girlfriend left him before they met"...
...Frank shook his head. Despite his resolutions not to interrupt Arts introductions with any rabbit trails, he felt compelled to say authoritatively, " Yeah I totally agree. Have you heard about their latest scam? Supposedly someone connected Internet and psychic dating by creating an online theme park. People payed out the wazoo to get in on opening day. Ticket prices soared - one guy spent a thousand to get his psychic girlfriend there by the online express train. Then they had the great experience of sipping e-lattes, riding the Internets first vertical roller coaster, enjoying the sensations of a lush online cruise. In the end it was proved to be a fraud, merely another 3-D vacation package with vibrating controllers. No psychic abilities, the roses he bought her smelled like lavender - that's what gave it all away."
...Frank rolled to an abrupt stop, Art was staring at him.
..."You really do watch too much TV Frank. Lets continue, next is Uncle Joe and Aunt Ann."
...Frank rolled his eyes. Humbug, his info was way more interesting than Arts deceased relatives. He glanced at his watch. Good grief, it was eight o'clock!
WOW!!!And I thought his parents were bad!!!LOL!!
Very good.
Did the Black death hit your house? Jay has not posted in three weeks going on four, you are pushing three now. Y'all alright up there?
Hay, I just tagged you. You can find the rules on my blog.
Any chance of Frank making a comeback?
Robert L.
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